Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Best Rapper Alive.

Lil Wayne recently did Vh1's Behind the Music which aired Friday September 10th I believe..buhh it was really good.. At the end of the hour I was wishing that it wouldn't end.. buhh it touched alot of topics ranging from drugs , shooting himself , and his ex - wife Toya.. It's still being shown on Vh1 so stop by and check it out .. well worth watching ..


Anonymous said...

i looooved watching it! i felt the exact same way! aha i hadda put an alarm on ma phOne & everythingggg! ahaha.

i think people really underestimate him & talk shit thats unnecessary about it fa nO reasOn & mainly because they knO HES THE MUHFCKN HOTTEST UNDER THE SUNNNN!

Mr. (O-Pen-Yawn-8-ted) said...

Yeah this show was pretty cool...

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